RADE (Recovery through art, drama, education) are celebrating their 10th anniversary with a show entitled ‘Light Source’ that develops service users’ visual arts skills by learning the medieval craft of stained glass. Facilitated by stained glass artist Peter Young, participants designed and built two large stain glass windows. The windows will feature along with selected works from their collection of art, built up over the last ten years.
This exhibition will highlight the importance of training and development for those engaging in recovery. The public presentation of RADE’s work since 2004 has demonstrated a positive impact on participants, their families, friends and the local community.

RADE engages drug users with the arts and therapeutic supports and provides a platform for their artistic expression. Their vision is ‘creativity is open to everybody’. RADE have been producing plays, art exhibitions, books and short films for the past 10 years.
Participants of the art programme receive training in all areas of art creation including drawing, painting on canvas, sculpture, gallery visits, photographic montage, mask making. Workshops are focused towards this annual art exhibition, which provide a real experience of displaying work produced to the general public.

The exhibition can be seen in The Atrium, Dublin Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 from 25th August to 5th September. The official opening will be done by the Dean Victor Stacey of St Patrick’s Cathedral on Tuesday 26th August at 1pm.
I Loved this exhibition ,very inspiring and for such a great cause. The work was exceptional, I will definitely be looking out for these exhibitions in the future!