Greenacres Open Submission Show opened on Saturday the 5th with over 150 guests and many of the 50 exhibiting artists in attendance. In the show, levels of experience and education vary with some artists exhibiting their work for the first time, while others may have exhibited for 20 years. To acknowledge the artists for their achievements, two prize winners were chosen by Karla Sanchez O’Connell, who opened the show, one for Best Established Artist and the other for Best Emerging Artist.
Patrick Barry was awarded Best Established Artist. Patrick is a sculptor based in Co. Cork, educated at the Crawford College of Art and has exhibited extensively since 2003, most recently at the RHA. His commissions include Enable Ireland, Waterford County Council and also the Botanic Gardens in Dublin.

Best Emerging Artist Doris Dittrich was born in Vienna, Austria where she studied sculpture. She has exhibited in Ireland and Austria and was the Artist in Residence in Paliano, Italy.

The exhibition continues until the 25th of February.