Primary school students from every county in Ireland entered the annual art competition, which is devised by Sightsavers to encourage young people to engage with their creativity whilst learning to appreciate the importance of their own eyesight and the challenges faced by millions of visually impaired people in the developing world. The 16 winners were selected to make the exciting trip to Dublin to receive their prizes for reaching the final and to see if they would be crowned the overall Sightsavers Junior Painter Awards winner.
This year’s overall winner was Anya Clarke-Carr from Ratoath Senior National School, Co. Meath. Anya was awarded the top accolade for her wonderful creation, I Dream of Playing Piano in a Meadow of Daisies and Bunnies. Second and third place went to Billy McCabe from Castletown Kilpatrick National School, Co. Meath and Cara Taheny from Carn National School, Co. Sligo respectively.

You can see the paintings in the historical Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, South William Street, Dublin in an exhibition until Sunday 3rd March.
Sightsavers is a registered Irish charity (Registered charity numbers CHY 15437) that works in more than 30 developing countries to prevent blindness, restore sight
and advocate for social inclusion and equal rights for people who are blind and visually impaired
For more information please visit www.sightsavers.ie, www.faceboook.ie/SightsaversIreland, twitter.com/@SightsaversIE