An exhibition by Stephen Gill has opened in the Arts and Disability Forum Gallery On Royal Ave., Belfast. The exhibition “Around the Allotments” comprises a series of photographs of allotment sites and their owners in and around Belfast.
Stephen’s connection with allotments developed through photographing flowers and plants growing around the Reconnect Training Centre, near Castlereagh where he became involved as part of his recovery from a cardiac arrest in 2006 that left him with brain injury. Photography was a way of regaining confidence lost as part of his illness.

After the exhibition in ADF, the exhibition is moving on to Lisburn Library. Stephen would love to show his work in Dublin and is keen to hear from anyone who would be interested in mounting an exhibition.

The exhibition runs in ADF until 7th March. The gallery is open Tuesday to Friday, 11am-3pm and admission is free. For more information see: