Frank O’Dea teams up with fellow Dublin artist, Pervaneh Matthews at Balla Bán Art Gallery, Westbury Mall, Dublin in November for an exhibition entitled “Man on the Moon” and will take place in conjunction with ‘Science Week 2012? whose theme this year is everyday experimenting.

Perhaps the greatest experiment known to mankind was to put a man on the moon and only twelve men have ever walked on the surface on the moon. With the death of Neil Armstrong this year, only eight are still alive. One day in the near future there will be none: no one on Earth who has set foot on the moon. Artist, Pervaneh Matthews has encaptured the twelve men in her sepia watercolours on line board and these are complimented by a selection of lunar landscape oil paintings by Frank which also feature tiny pieces of actual lunar meteroite embedded into the artwork.

The official opening wine & cheese reception will take place on Thursday 15th November (5:30pm to 7pm) at the Gallery and Court Yard to be opened by Chairman of Astronomy Ireland, David Moore. David Moore is Ireland’s best known astronomer. He can often be seen and heard on TV and radio all around Ireland commenting on the latest news stories in astronomy and space.
The exhibition continues until the end of November.